
By Anonymous - 04/10/2009 02:56 - United States

Today, I was trying on dresses in a stall that requires an employee of the store to have a key to open. After I took off one dress to go to another, an employee quickly opens my door, to give the stall to someone else. The entire store could see me in my granny panties and bra. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 040
You deserved it 6 539

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MissNat_fml 0

and how the hell does she deserve it ? it was the employees fault for opening the door....

see, really it was all part of the store's master plan. they knew they had you hooked on the dress, but they wanted to squeeze every last penny out of you by making you buy some new underwear too :-P they just had to find a way to make you ashamed of your panties... :-P


JukeboxBunny 0

People still wear granny panties? How old are you? Either way, FYL.

uberkrissy 0

Okay, this is the least embarrassing thing I've ever seen on this website. Oh no, you're wearing granny panties. Your lopsided **** could be hanging out, or your vag. Oh no, they're seeing you in underwear the equivalent of trying on a bikini.

Not a big deal. I'm sure it's happened to a bunch of people before. And I doubt a whole store-full of people saw you. So unless fifty people gasped, rushed up to your stall, and started pointing and laughing, than it's really not much of an FML. Besides, why be embarrassed? It's just your body. And you're never going to see those people again, anyway. I'm sure the employee was more humiliated than you were.

I work in changing rooms and we always knock before we open a door. Some times we still walk in on people because they're too stupid to answer. Or they claim they answer but their so quiet you can't hear them through the door.

Sometimes they think you're not knocking on THEIR door, but the door next to the one they're in, so they're not sure if they should answer.... I've been in THAT situation because the store had poor acoustics.

Could have been worse. At least you were wearing undergarments.

PlasmaWafflez 0
Christina21 2

I dont really think this is an fml, im sure u wasnt only one wearing granny panites and a bra that day, the only difference is they saw, and i dont everyone saw cuz why would all the attention be focused on ur dressing room, unless u screamed or something. And im sure u coulda quickly covered up with something, like the dress u tried on.

It would be more of an FYL if someone standing nearby took advantage of the moment and snapped a quick pic. I hope you gave the employee a good, verbal kick in the crotch for it.

xxbabycakesxxx 0

YDI for wearing granny panties. Its 2009, not 1909.