Stay Safe!

By middleagednurse - 18/03/2020 17:00

Today, the cruise that I was looking forward to for over a year was cancelled due to the coronavirus. Trying to salvage what was left of my vacation, I booked a hotel for a few days near a local beach. They just announced that the beach was closed and the hotel is refusing to refund my money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 687
You deserved it 926

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If your cruise was cancelled, everything else is about to be cancelled too, so why not wait until things are safe again, and then figure out what to do?

How do you close a beach? Do they drain the ocean and vacuum up the sand? Tell your credit card company to not pay the hotel.


boogerjt 6

Cruise line cancel me out before I cancelled. Called the hotel I was supposed to stay the night before and night after the cruise and my money was refunded back to my credit card and the parking garage gave me a rain check.