By person - 26/12/2010 17:59 - Jordan
Same thing different taste
Mr. Burns
By Anonymous - 20/09/2020 17:00 - United States
Sliced and diced
By Anonymous - 18/04/2023 18:00
By Dan - 20/10/2018 15:30
By Matt - 13/04/2024 09:00 - United States
Sick burn
By littl3storm - 01/06/2020 17:00
By anonymous - 12/03/2012 08:03 - United States
Our insect overlords
By Anonymous - 18/12/2020 10:58
By Painful - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
Third degree
By Anonymous - 10/07/2021 06:01
By Anonymous - 15/08/2018 20:30
Top comments
Should of paying closer attention when going any near the family jewels
Oh my god, if we're old enough to know what "FML" stands for, then we're old enough to see the word "balls." YDI, just for naming your balls "plums" and "dime sacks." I mean seriously, even "snow globes" is better than that.
lol 50
considering that icy hot is washable ydi for being dumb and letting your balls burn..
considering that icy hot is washable ydi for being dumb and letting your balls burn.. hell soap water and some olive oil will remove it and make it stop burning.. (good for if you accidently apply too much)
I actually thought OP was refering to her b00bs when she said plums. I don't blame him.
I always think washing it makes it worst... maybe that's just me
Yes, because that totally makes sense after he said he was applying it to his thighs.
Lmao 17
omfg dime sacks and plums wut?! ROFLOLMAO!!!!!!!1111one
Dime sacks? Plums? You should trade those in for a pair of regular testicles
He's obviously a penny pinching fruit enthusiast.
BALLS BALLS BALLS BALLS BALLS BALL BALLS BALLS BALLS it's okay, you can say that on the Internet
you read my mind
Plus a dime is tiny.
This made my day. lmao
I've got balls of steel!
"Balls of steel" doesn't mean shit if they're the size of BBs. Should've went for "shot put balls".
damn straight
You spell honour like a Brit! it is hour. not honour.
Uh, no. Honour is the British spelling of hobor, not hour. Lrn2English, n00b.
Wow. It's amazing how ignorant some people can be.
116 - in #4's comment
Yet another reason to question the survival of humanity.
That was nonsense. Please don't post.
Dime sacks? Plums? Seriously, who says that?
Apparently people from Jordan...the Middle-Eastern country...does.
I found I had to read this at 3 times before I understood what it said, thanks to your bad grammar and terrible word choice. I thought you spilt liquid on your money then set your garden on fire. Also, what's icy hot?
Icy Hot is like A535, Ben Gay and the like. A Hot/Cold muscle rub.
lol omg
so did I... all over her
Poor grammar?
You put it in a jock strap to make the ladies want your junk. Try it sometime.
your dick in a box is also a good present for the ladies :)
funny :)
Can you feel it?? Can you feel the burn?!
umm... OP is a guy and referring to his balls.
hehehe.... sadistic. I like the way you think :P
Dime sack!? Man, I'm sure mine are filled with quarters, or AU 50cent pieces.

Dime sacks? Plums? You should trade those in for a pair of regular testicles
Attention all FMyLife users. Testicles. That is all.