
By dad - 03/03/2009 22:28 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my wife when my 14 year-old daughter texted me from her room, "Stop." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 368
You deserved it 83 165

Same thing different taste

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MissFae 0

Why are you checking texts in the middle of sex? We're gonna see your wife posting here next...


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thinkpink 0

#16-it kind of scared me when I was little, not gonna lie, mainly because I didn't understand what was happening. But once I figured out what sex was...the scariness went away. So some kids MAY be semi-scarred, but they grow out of it. This girl, being old enough to text, was just being immature. Think about it. That's so awkward. I would rather die than acknowledge that my parents are doing it, let alone TEXTING them about it. I'd just go hide downstairs until I knew the coast was clear, then come back out later pretending nothing happened, or that maybe I wasn't even home when said sex was being had.

it's not imature to not wanna hear your parents banging

when you hear her having sex send her the same text and she will learn how crappy it is to get that text

Do you think this is related to this? -> Still... better for her to txt stop then to txt "Don't stop... I need another 2 minutes if anyone's going to pay for this on-line" Or "Keep going... I've almost hit the spot over here"

Might have been weirder if the wife isn't the kid's mom...the OP said "my" daughter, not "our," so it's possible?

Tucatz 0

Been there myself. My daughter has heard me having sex with my girlfriend. I try to either do it when she's out of the house or late at night and be quiet about it, but there's only so much one can do. As for scarring the kids- think about the people all around the world who live in single room huts. Think the parents wait until all of the kids are gone from the hut before they start having sex? Or, for that matter, the people who settled the American west- they would have had very limited privacy. This sort of prudish thinking is very recent and is rather disturbing, to be honest. Why shouldn't kids think of their parents as sexual beings, as long as they don't have to witness it firsthand?

You may get your revenge easily. In a random day, when you're at work and your daughter is at home, text her "stop".

As awkward as your story is for you, it brought me some good laughs. And I agree... revenge is on its way (though I sure hope you have to wait a couple years to get it).

thats extremely rude to do to your daughter dont you at least have the decency to wait until shes not home?? wouldnt that be a revelation. grow up. asshole.