Stuck here

By Anonymous - 19/03/2011 12:13 - United States

Today, my purse was stolen. Too bad it had all of my money and my passport. My flight is tomorrow, and the embassy is closed until Monday. Guess who gets to stay in a foreign country with no money and no identification for the next three days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 170
You deserved it 4 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Travel State Gov website: "All U.S. embassies and consulates have an after hours duty officer available to assist with life or death emergencies of U.S. citizens abroad. Contact the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate after hours duty officer for assistance if you have an emergency need to travel."

sofiainthesun 5

I'm gone guess you and a bunch of hobos.


Western Union, American Embassy, or prostitution. Take your pick, and in the future, always keep some money in some other place - in your wallet and some in a bag.

cantstandit808 2

Sorry to here that. that is why they say on their website to carry a copy and leave the real thing in a safe or other secure location.

Pyronik 1
Got_any_grapes1 4

Aww, I didn't know you would get stuck. I'll give it back to you tomorrow. :P

BeastlyNinjer 0

ohh, ohh, I know who must go to a foreign land with no money or id, you do! you do!

perdix 29

Moammar Qaddafi? Charlie Sheen? A Japanese nuclear plant engineer? Any of those? I come to FML for the funny stories, not for brain-busting impenetrable riddles. I'm stumped and now I have a headache.

Obviously it was Jesus. Jesus is always the answer!

you have to be more careful when traveling abroad. I have been out of the country twice and I wore a small pouch necklace under my shirt that kept my ID, passport, extra money, and emergency phone numbers. I can't believe you just threw everything in your purse... as much as the situation sucks, YDI for not being careful!

You've been abroad twice? Wow. Seriously though from someone who has seen half the world, traveler's cheques are always useful, bank cards mean you can cancel them before they can be spent and finally never keep everything together. Always have some money in reserve just in case this sort of thing happens that is not to be spent at all, enough to get by, for 3 days until you can get help in this case.

Traveller's cheques? Wow - I haven't seen one of those for about 15 years...

Exactly! No thief would have a clue what to do with them and would probably leave them alone. You can still get them, I used them recently and so did my girlfriend.

I don't think you should have everything on your person while travelling. I have always been told (if I can adhere to this rule I do): Keep a copy of your passport on you/some money. Leave your real passport and extra cash back in your hotel's safe. I know this doesn't work for people using hostels or whatnot, but at least don't keep all that important stuff in your purse. Shitty situation, but I kinda think YDI for not thinking ahead. #77--I studied abroad in Chile for 2 1/2 months last summer and was told specifically by my school not to bring traveler's checks since most businesses there won't take them.

That is chile, in my extensive travels I have yet to find too many places that won't accept them. You are correct though that some places won't take them, but is it a bad idea to have some dire emergency money locked away? My point was never have all of your money in one form, it's a fail safe in case one stash gets compromised. With the hostel thing though you are really limited for choices, I refuse to use a decent hotel's safe especially room ones. I've stayed in places where the rooms were broken into and the safes stolen, and know of people who had safes broken into by staff. Never forget to be on your guard when traveling.

better start using Rosetta Stone haha, might be there awhile

it happened to me too, although it was not my entire purse but only my wallet (which also included my passport) and i was able to get on the plane back home. Just had to give my name and date of birth to a bunch of different persons on the phone and show the paper i got from the police stating that my stuff was stolen. It's not even close to being a FML

What kind of fuckshits are in charge of your foreign office? Embassies should *never* being ******* *closed*! >xS

ALL embassies for ALL countries have office hours. Often there's an emergency helpline, but there's a real chance that they wouldn't consider this an emergency, and would tell you to come back in office hours anyway. For example, the US Embassy in Berlin is only open for US Citizen services TWO HOURS a day (2PM to 4PM), and is closed German holidays, US holidays, and the last Thursday of each month. Careful who you call fuckshits, when I guarantee that whatever country you are from, your own embassy would have done the same thing.