Such a helpful kitty!

By Preggers - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff

Today, my cat has taken it upon herself to provide for the heavily pregnant lady. So far I've been presented with a mouse and 3 birds. I know they're for me because she meows until I see them, then walks away again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 811
You deserved it 848

Top comments

Talis99 26

Aww, she's just trying to provide you with extra nutrients for the "kitten" in your tummy. I don't really believe in letting pet cats roam. I hope she's fixed anyway, that's the main thing. Congrats on the upcoming little one! Good luck!

You need to eat the food the cat is bringing you. Otherwise, she'll think you disrespect her hunting.


I was once taking care of a stray cat (who obviously was just a run away house cat), and he caught a mouse for me so I'd let him inside. Needless to say, my own cats were not very happy when he ran in. But it was still cute.

Lady Life Hacks 9

Be grateful, Mama. Kitty knows you're eating carrion for two now.

Cats don't know we are humans, they think we're just bigger and slightly weird cats. If they bring in half dead prey, they want to train our hunting skills just like they do with their kittens. And between themselves they never meow, they only meow at us humans. If you know this, you get a whole new level of appreciation for how special the house tiggers really are.

OP here, I took awhile to reply as I have since popped and funnily enough looking after a newborn is busy work. My cat, Azura, Is a wonderful hunter and usually eats her prey... unless its still alive when she brings it in (I'll do my best to save it in this case) I thought this whole thing was cute, but when you are due to give birth at anytime, bending over to clean up dead animals is a little harder to do.

um that's what csts do. they hunt and then want to show you. why is this an fml?

kristinagir 11

Aw, that’s actually cute. Providing you with food while pregnant