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By Anonymous - 16/02/2017 08:00 - United States - Anchorage

Today, during the worst flu we've ever had, my wife and I have to go out into thirty-below weather to get firewood because the furnace broke down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 405
You deserved it 470

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Since you live in Alaska you should have put it in an easily accessible place to get. However it sucks you have the flu and hope you feel better.

jackett17 0

at least its warmed up to 15 above


Can't you call a friend to help you guys out since you're sick? Hope you both feel better!

Since you live in Alaska you should have put it in an easily accessible place to get. However it sucks you have the flu and hope you feel better.

jackett17 0

at least its warmed up to 15 above

jackett17 0

at least its warmed up to 15 above

At least you have a way to heat your home. Most people either have to freeze or leave when the furnace quits.

Your faiut. Should have had a flu shot.

Getting a flu shot doesn't prevent the flu, it just greatly lowers the probability of its occurrence. There are very few "absolutes" in reality.

I'd be sympathetic but it couldn't be that bad if you could physically get up and get the wood. I had swine flu a couple years ago, I got cold to the point where a burning hot shower left me shivering, and I had to be under blankets with an electric blanket on full blast to not be cold.