
By rongo12 - 11/05/2012 21:41

Today, I was heading to the bathroom when I clearly saw a little boy walking into my bedroom. My wife and I live alone, and I screamed at the top of my lungs, thinking he was a ghost. Turns out my wife collected him from school for a friend, and I just didn't hear them arrive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 972
You deserved it 6 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would've done the same thing. I've seen to many scary movies to know a little young boy in your house is a bad sign.

twifan1901 0

You're not cool enough to be haunted op


friedbunnies 9

Is your wife in the habit of collecting little children?

I'd probably act the same way too. I'd try to fit my fat body through the small toilet window in a panic, too.


I haven't laughed this much in a while.

fanaticdragon 10

Jack Torrance, is that you?

Yeah...ghosts make the "bitch" come out of most any man. LOL!

Wife "What's wrong?!" Husband "Oh, oh... sorry... I just thought that boy was a ghost..." Wife "... ..."