Double entendre
By mel - 11/05/2012 21:23 - United Kingdom - Bournemouth

By mel - 11/05/2012 21:23 - United Kingdom - Bournemouth
By Anonymous - 02/12/2024 03:00 - Australia
By chickfilady - 29/07/2016 03:10
By wheezy - 03/12/2013 17:28 - United States - Bay Springs
By westwoodcosmo - 27/01/2016 22:35 - United States - Mesa
By OliviaO - 24/12/2024 14:00 - United States
By fuckthisandfuckthatandfuckyoutoo - 28/07/2013 16:23 - United States
By Anonymous - 08/04/2013 08:30
By Username - 25/09/2010 04:49 - France
By yolo is for shitheads - 09/10/2012 16:07 - United States
By gatorhead - 09/09/2010 18:05 - United States
No. Just a mildly sexist joke.
Like a boss
^I see what you did there^ I salute you good sir.
Sure he's awesome. He just opened himself up for a nice sexual harassment lawsuit. He better hope OP isn't a jerk.
Wow, seriously!? "He better hope OP isn't a jerk? Since when are you a jerk for reporting blatant sexual harassment? How asinine are you?
Don't worry, everyone calls me Fire Hydrant at school because I drool when I laugh.
And if you cant swallow, gargle. Ew, nevermind. Just grossed myself out.
I honestly don't understand the obsession with swallowing semen. I mean, it's already out of your body, it's not like it matters what you do with it at that point. It's not like swallowing makes you a better person. :/
^ now just to explain this to guys..^
I guess it's a good feeling knowing that, if it's your wife or gf, that they're willing to swallow also less hassle as the mess is already gone!
beats being called cum. see what i did there? ;)
You're lucky your boss atleast has a sense of humor. FYL OP gonna be hard to live that wrong. Unless you prove them wrong ofcourse..
Prove it by preforming a massive bukkake?
Well if you wait a little after work, I'm sure he would be happy to teach you how to swallow
Swallow or gtfo.
Wow, am I the only one not even faintly amused by this? Seriously, how dare the boss say something so humiliating in front of everyone! He should be ashamed of himself! Besides, everyone knows nice girls take it on their ****, not in their mouths. Isn't that right, Spoogy McCleavage?
I think that perhaps it's amusing to read as a story on the internet but I'm sure most people wouldn't be amused if this actually happened to them in real life.
I guess it depends on the environment and situation. Maybe what the boss said would be funny in some cases but not others.
That's sexual harassment. Your boss should know better with how many sexual harassment lawsuits there are. Even if it is a friendly work atmosphere they shouldn't be so immature and disrespectful.
It's all in how it's said. And judging by everyone's reaction, it was probably said in a way that suggested the boss didn't mean rehabilitation. Almost all jobs make you sit through any anti-sexual harassment video/lesson.
That wouldn't work in a court of law. Nice try tho.
nobody is allowed a little immaturity. op obviously has a thick skin and can take humor. she should get him back with an immature joke if her own, that's how you truly adapt.
Seriously, I didn't think that at first until I read these comments. It makes the FML all that much worse though
What the hell else would the boss be referring to with swallow versus spit? Watermelon seeds?
The drink that's mentioned in the FML is what would be swallowed
I also didn't take it sexually at all. I thought it was funny until I realised it was a sex joke.
Awesome boss
Yeah Spit, what're you doing on FML? Go learn to swallow!!