
By Fat_abott - 05/01/2012 20:40 - France

Today, I had an upset stomach. I lay down in bed with a bucket nearby just in case. Later on, the urge to vomit overcame me, and I puked into the bucket. I realised too late that my cat had chosen to sleep in it. He jumped out and spread vomit all over my apartment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 260
You deserved it 5 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Forget you, **** that cat's life. On the other hand, being thrown into a bucket and covered in a pool of puke is a decent torture method I'm adding to my list. Thanks, OP!

reallytho3 11

Somewhere God is on his throne laughing his ass off...


Kimby614 5

I feel worse for the cat than I do for you! Watch where you puke! UDI!

onlyontuesdaysxD 0

I wonder what that cat would say if it could talk...

Oh my gosh poor cat! but that's so cute it was sleeping in a bucket!

L0l you dont care about the cat, "noooo my apartment!!! Stupid effing cat " :(

Hahahaha! Wow.. ThAt really sucks , but as a cat owner one of the funniest pieces of imagery I've heard in a loooong time

Ravenclaw2016 6

That sucks but the image in my head is hilarious!

4wow4 0

Must've been quite CATastrophic ;)

KittyHawkMarch 29

no offence but i feel more sorry for the cat :(