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Sussy baka

By black hoodie - 19/05/2013 23:07 - United States - Shrewsbury

Today, I went for a walk. When it started pouring, I ran under the nearest tree for protection. It didn't occur to me that it might look suspicious hiding under a stranger's tree in a black hoodie, until the cops showed up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 169
You deserved it 5 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flockz 19

perhaps hiding under a tree in a storm should not be your first idea anyway.

If you did nothing wrong, then what does it matter


flockz 19

perhaps hiding under a tree in a storm should not be your first idea anyway.

I was so thinking that. I was taught to NOT go near tall things in storms

toxophilia 6

OP just said it was pouring, not storming.

flockz 19

yes because lightning can't strike if it's just pouring.

AndOtherDrugs 5

Lighting could strike even when it's not raining. That doesn't mean always avoid trees and other tall things. Standing under a tree when it's just raining may be only a little more risky than standing under a tree any other time.

I guess you guys can't sense the sarcasm in #25.. Why would they post the original comment if they really thought lightening wouldn't strike if its just pouring...

If you did nothing wrong, then what does it matter

RedPillSucks 31

Seriously? People get shot/arrested all the time when not doing anything wrong. He's lucky he wasn't in Florida in a neighborhood with some overzealous neighborhood watch person with a gun.

It's embarrassing as hell. I got caused of stealing bra from Victoria Secret once because I looked suspicious! >.

If u weren't poor you could be driving my Lambo and woundn't be in the rain looking for trees.

Just trying to stay dry. Just a misunderstanding. It happens. Hope they gave you a ride home :D

If you were wearing a sweater with a hood on it, then why not put the hood up and run home?

AndOtherDrugs 5

Because the hoods on hoodies are pretty useless during heavy downpours.

Look at the bright side, once proven that you are doing nothing wrong, the cops can give you a lift home ?

InvisibleMonster_fml 16

I hope the cops didn't give you a hard time.

Next time just carry an umbrella. No one calls the cops on Mary Poppins.

"Oh it's raining. If only I was wearing something to cover my head..."

CharresBarkrey 15

If only they would fashion some device to attach to my sweater that I could pull over my head for such occasions.

suboy 10

Since they were running im guessing they were wearing a sweat suit which are usually thin and very absorbent. What good would it do when its pouring down rain.

Anyone in hoodies just look dodgy anyway, best to avoid them if possible.

It's people like you that make me wish murder was legal

ApollosMyth 22

32- You want to murder people who think hoodies are shady..?

Anai08 17

#10-That's a dangerous assumption dude. You shouldn't assume anything about a person or their intentions based on something their wearing. You don't live in the US so you probably wouldn't have hear about it, but google the name "Trayvon Martin" in your free time. The guy was just walking home after buying snacks, but because he was wearing a hoodie and looking "dodgy", some trigger happy man took him for a miscreant and started a scuffle that would ultimately cost Trayvon his life. Moral of the story: just because someone is wearing a particular outfit you may personally view as suspicious (and maybe that person also looks to fit in a racial stereotype), doesn't mean their up to no good. I understand the people who called the police on OP their thought process, but OP doesn't/didn't deserve any harassment from police after the misunderstanding was cleared up.

Actually trayvon was also a bully. So you're argument is invalid.

43 - So because he was a bully he deserved to be shot dead by an over-zealous vigilante? ಠ_ಠ

RedPillSucks 31

The fact is he was doing nothing wrong. How the hell is walking home in the dark being a bully? I suppose you support the Columbine shootings because the kids were just getting back at school bullies?

as to the fact that only two people know what went on that night, you shouldnt be quick to judge either one. The media made it seem like a racist act but if you heard the actual tape of the 911 call, the operator asked what race the suspect was before Zimmerman implied he was black. black hoodies are associated woth crime, so naturally people will think that person is up to no good. maybe change your hoodie color op.

No he was beating up the guy that shot him. If you're getting your butt whipped and you had a gun you'd use it.

#59 I'm sure you heard the police tape the little kid and his bag of skittles were being harassed for walking through a white neighborhood he was not beating up an armed 40 yr old 250 lb guy the guy just shot him for walking doesn't matter if he was a bully or a saint he was judged by his clothing and skin color. as it seems op was judged here as being a criminal. This guy must live in the sticks if I called the cops over everyone that stood in my front yard they might as well never leave.

You don't happen to be black by chance? That tends to have similar responses unfortunately