Sweet talker

By Anonymous - 27/12/2013 22:39 - United Kingdom

Today, I asked my husband to try a little foreplay for once, instead of just rushing into sex. His idea of foreplay was to sweetly whisper that he was going to "penis" me so hard. That's the first time I've heard the word "penis" used as a verb, and hopefully the last. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 085
You deserved it 7 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sometimes you have to tell a guy exactly what you want


Man I use penis as a verb pretty much constantly. I penis, you penis, he/she/it penises, we penis, you(pl) penis, they penis. Infinitive: to penis. Past tense: penised.

N3766 20

I penis, you penis, he, she, we penis, penising, penisology, the study of penis...come on Spongebob, this is first grade!

Sorry OP, but I can't stop laughing now.

I don't think he knows how to foreplay...help him out a bit...

He may not know how to foreplay but he does know how to penis

Oh the poor guy.... You need to help him out on this one, OP. This really has me giggling.

nismo98 14

better term cakk...I'm going to cakk you so hard aha.

BanAnnalee 12
happygolucky2178 5

Maybe he was trying to say he was going to give you the big D and it came out wrong. Poor guy. At least he tried!

If that is his idea of foreplay, you should show him that your idea of sex doesn't involve him but a battery operated toy, he can watch thou.

Watch some **** together, that will help him get his head in the game!

Is "game" some sort of euphemism for ****** here? If so, that's a win.

Yeah, because **** is incredibly realistic. Come on, there are better ways to help a man develop his skills than watching ****.

chocolatefrog28 29

I'd say respond in kind with something like "Oh baby, I'm gonna twat you so hard," but that might work even still. Time to lead by example, OP, give some quality to get a little back!