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By Anonymous - 09/07/2023 03:00 - United States

Today, I went to the supermarket and picked up some groceries, along with what I thought was a bag of chips. I ripped it open in the car and realized it was a bag of birdseed. As I spat out the birdseed through the car's open window and tried to clean the mess, a pigeon flew into my car and attacked me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 288
You deserved it 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

this is either bullshit or you're a moron. I get birdseed all the time for outdoors and there is no way I could mistake the two....

I feel like this could be a commercial for that birdseed.


I feel like this could be a commercial for that birdseed.

this is either bullshit or you're a moron. I get birdseed all the time for outdoors and there is no way I could mistake the two....

Nikki 17

Well clearly moron, if you’re making something up you’d make it more believable

I let this one through because it seemed very specific and weird; the usual made-up stuff I turn down is not as inventive, and sometimes life is stranger than fiction. I also let it through because I've watched enough YouTube videos of hungry birds attacking people with food, especially during the pandemic lockdowns, to know that this sort of thing does happen.

How? Birdseed and chips feel very different even in a bag... huge weight difference.