By Anonymous - 16/01/2013 05:52 - United States - Sacramento

Today, I was walking out of my girlfriend's house with her when I saw her thong drying on the rack. I picked it up, sniffed it and put it on my face as a joke. She replied with, "Those are my mother's." FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 543
You deserved it 53 652

Same thing different taste

Top comments

teamlightskin 14

Ewww : / i mean they were clean but still....thats gross!!

Bet you won't be looking at her mother the same way again.


teamlightskin 14

Ewww : / i mean they were clean but still....thats gross!!

Bet you won't be looking at her mother the same way again.

KaeporaGaebora 4

At least the mom didn't see. That would be a whole new level of awkwardness.

This is why you do not put underwear on your face. Bad OP!

I'm assuming part of the reason wasn't for a jokes sake. Guys can get aroused from the smell of womanly parts. Therefore, by sniffing the thong... Well I think you get the point.

RedPillSucks 31

*Cleveland voice* That's just nasty.

Well you kind of deserve that one... At least they were clean so you weren't getting a face full of your girlfriends moms musk.

You can recover from this, just as long as if your reaction isn't to sniff harder and say "Oh I know."

Thong - $15 Clothes line -$80 Look on your face - priceless

Reminds me of in white chicks when one of the CIA guys is sniffing their underwear, and the other guy comes out with the masks

robo_thunder 13

It doesn't matter who's underwear it was, it was a weird thing to do either way.