Terrible exchange rate

By I_Lossed - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I asked my girlfriend about a diamond necklace I bought her for her birthday, which she didn't seem to be wearing. She then told me she hocked it to pay for her inexpensive phone bill. I paid $1,500 for that necklace, she received $300 from the pawn shop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 016
You deserved it 4 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So go to the pawn shop, get it back & give it to someone who cares enough to keep it.

sammy_little 0

Run. My first wife pulled something like this just before she got pregnant (on purpose). I went into the marriage with no debt and money in the back and filed a joint bankrupcy for $200,000 about two years later. It is obvious she cannot handle her business and $1500 is a small price to pay to find this out.


imjoe615 0

My ex-girlfriend cheated on me and I'm here to get revenge with a little blackmail. http://ihatejade.com/?id=wlmmn1e0vv4yi2sr1fl1aov6g6uzt3

Youll never meet a bish willing to spend 1500 on a gift for you, so dont think you need to spend it on her. Dump the bish.

demand she give you $1500 and never buy her a gift again.

You DO NOT give a girl something worth that much unless you're gonna marry her! And seeing as how casual she was about selling it, she doesn't really care about you. (Sorry man..) Tell her to march her lazy ungrateful ass down and either get the necklace back, or give you $1,500. Then dump her stupid ass.

I live in the same state as OP and wow, that must have been a beautiful necklace. Go hunt it back down, dangle it infront of her saying "this could have been yours" and then dump her. She doesn't deserve you. If my boyfriend gave me something like that i could be over the moon, its like 2 weeks of his pay, which is alot. If i had needed money for a phone bill i would of just let him know, not pawn off a present he had put time and effort into saving and then choosing it =(

Is it just me or am I the only one that thinks he should have paid her PHONE BILL INSTEAD! Why are you gonna spend that much on a girl that can't afford her own phone bill? And why is it so high? Was she two months behind? If so, you fail. Pay her bill next time.

A relationship with someone with that little financial sense will not last long.

Which is precisely the reason why you are NEVER supposed to give nice things to stupid *****. To a woman like that, you give a plastic trinket, never something real. Would you put a collar full of diamonds on a dog you find on the side of the road?

dc_elite 0

ur girlfriend sucks i would never give anythin my boyfriend gave me away dump her n move on

YDI for getting her a diamond necklace. Pearls are much better.