Terrible exchange rate

By I_Lossed - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I asked my girlfriend about a diamond necklace I bought her for her birthday, which she didn't seem to be wearing. She then told me she hocked it to pay for her inexpensive phone bill. I paid $1,500 for that necklace, she received $300 from the pawn shop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 016
You deserved it 4 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So go to the pawn shop, get it back & give it to someone who cares enough to keep it.

sammy_little 0

Run. My first wife pulled something like this just before she got pregnant (on purpose). I went into the marriage with no debt and money in the back and filed a joint bankrupcy for $200,000 about two years later. It is obvious she cannot handle her business and $1500 is a small price to pay to find this out.


i did the same exact thing last week...but my bf was mad as hell...lol

You know what that means? You're just as much of an idiotic bitch who can't handle finances as the OP's girlfriend, congratulations!

dump that bitch..i would probably slap a girl if she did that

Jesus ******* christ... what kind of dumb ***** would do that? I would NEVER hawk any of the jewelry my boyfriend gave me. Also, that must've been one hell of a necklace, and to have only gotten $300 for it? GIRLS: not all guys buy that cheap Zales shit... some really DO care enough about you to drop that kind of cash. I work at a jewelry store; I know these things.

I heart you for correctly using a semicolon.

I'm surprised she got as much as $300 for it. My mother in law needed money to pay her medical bills, and asked us to sell her wedding ring for her (husband is long dead and it was not a happy marriage). The ring was purchased in the late eighties for over $1k. They offered us $50 for it on an outright purchase.

That's a colon, not a semi-colon. Just if we're being pedantic. :p

And, underneath the colon, is a big fat SEMI COLON. Just if we're being pedantic :P

#76 you are a moron, it is a semi-colon.

a_nix777 0

you should've just given her a pearl necklace, those are free you know and she can't pawn it.

Skull_300 0

What the **** are you doing spending $1,500 on a necklace. Are you in Love? A_nix77 is right. Give her a ******* Pearl Necklace!!!

See comment #24. I thought it was hilarious, but apparently most of the people on here don't understand the "pearl necklace" concept.

You spent over a THOUSAND BUCKS on your girlfriend? Even if I had that kind of cash I wouldnt spend it on some bauble.

hornetchik 0

**** being with you then. Not saying I expect my boyfriend to buy things for me, but he certainly doesn't have THAT sort of attitude. When you're in love, you WANT to give things to you're other half, so good on him for that, just sucks his girlfriend is a bitch.

I agree with chakrabs. Buy a nice suite and take her to buy a dress and go to a nice dinner; if not that, a weekend trip to Prague. Memories are worth big money, not trinkets.

hornetchik 0

True, I probably would rather that, but my boyfriend bought me a nice ring, (not engagement) and I love it so much. It is one of my most prized possessions because it has sentimental value to me.

Haha. Noobs are as noobs do. You're GF doesn't know how to haggle. LOL You gave it to her. It's hers to do with as she pleases. Don't whine. If it matters that much to you, go to the pawn shop and buy it back. If not, let it go.

excuse me i think u r an idiot for spending hundreds of pounds on a diamond necklace for a nasty, idiotic and stupid girlfriend who doesnt care about u. my advice is dump her and THINK more! unless ur super rich and can afford to drop hundreds of pounds down the drain of course. but yeh this is definetely more of a FM Girlfriend than a FML!

Also, for the record, that's what we call a "punctuation fail."

LeedsFML 0

English (US) is what we call a language fail

LeedsFML, I signed into my account just to congratulate you on behalf of all the countries that aren't America, for pointing out, once again, that America is not the only country in the world. And America do not do everything better. My kudos, sir.

poeticpunk77 0

Actually, it's "And America does not do everything better." pwn

sr5nvy 0

Funny how most of the comments that country bash are from countries other then America. Seems a little insecure to me. No one talks crap about Slovenia or Turkmenistan because they pretty much suck, they try and trash us because we have been and will be A dog for as everyone commenting on these posts will be alive. It's like when Phelps whooped that Croatian guy in the pool, they were pissed not so much because they lost but that Phelps won more medals in that one Olympics then their entire country has ever won.

Get rid of her, the relationship obviously isn't that great if she wasn't able to tell you that she didn't like the necklace. I'd rather have a girl tell me that she doesn't like something I gave to her than to have her go pawn it off.

Bend_over 4

It must of been hideous... well it is your fault for spending over 1,000 on her. You gave it to her, so she can do what she wants with it.