Thanks for the miracle

By howinthenameofholyfuck?! - 16/07/2020 17:01

Today, after being diagnosed with breast cancer, enduring months of tortuous chemo, having painful radiation treatments and having had my tubes tied, I realized I’ve become the butt of an incredibly cruel cosmic joke. I got pregnant from the one-night stand I had to celebrate beating cancer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 233
You deserved it 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You got pregnant after having your tubes tied? That must have been some super sperm!!


You got pregnant after having your tubes tied? That must have been some super sperm!!

If it were a vasectomy and a condom then I'd agree with you but this time it's a super egg. However this baby must be on a mission if it is this determined to come to this world.

so chemo and radiation that sterilize you and tubes tied and you got pregnant??? might want to contact medical journals because that isn't possible

Chemo and radiation don’t “sterilize you”. My mom had cancer as a teenager and went through radiation and went on to have 2 kids.

bloopaloop 27

Sounds like cancer didn't appreciate you going around gloating. It's a sore loser!

Andrea Remer 8

honestly I know lots of women who have gotten pregnant after tubes tied but im shocked to hear about pregnancy after chemo&radiation because they usually make you sterile:( congrats on beating cancer though

Chemo and radiation do not make you sterile, unless of course you are having radiation on your scrotum. Or if you are having the radiation done to your tubes, ovaries or uterus. I believe those are just about the only way you could be sterilized, but I could be wrong even though I'm pretty sure I'm not. But then again God does work in mysterious ways. that's for sure.

tounces7 27

Are you sure it's yours? :D

Please get yourself checked ASAP, there are certain types of uterine and endometrial cancers that can mimic pregnancy, including positive pregnancy tests.

I actually know someone that had breast cancer 14 years ago and now has a beautiful 13 year old. She had chemo and radiation. She calls her her miracle baby. It can happen.

fuckthatguy 8