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By Anonymous - 20/09/2011 23:54 - United States

Today, I found out that I have testicular cancer for the second time in two years, and they may end up removing my last testicle. Knowing full well I was also born with an extra rib, the doctor at the consultation joked, "Hey, you'll be three quarters of the way to being a woman." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 215
You deserved it 2 697

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That sucks op are they gonna at least give you weed for your cancer?

Sorry to hear about your cancer, OP. Best wishes.

Where did my comment go i was first!?

MrBoredGuy 1

Maybe if you weren't selfish you'd realize that someone's suffering deserves more attention than your "I'm first ydi" comment

lol. stop making douchebag comments and maybe you'll get lucky, I dunno, mr "lol sux".

It was actualy more of "i made a funny comment. Sorry op your life does suck and i feel for ya"

At the moment he said that, I would rip my ball off and throw it in the doctor's face.

MichellinMan 20

11-that's ****** up that you only care about your god damn first comment. Oh, and your picture is gay.

CatEyes66 0

64 I seen on TV once that they make them for dogs so I'm sure they do for humans

64, I learned that from watching "Sex in the City" Lol I have to say, I'm now curious if a man could still be able to get an erection without testicles.

SmokinWeed 0

OP if you possibly want to keep your testicles, studies have proven that medical marijuana reduces the size of cancerous tumors.

krazy_glu3 0

Don't guys get an erection just buy the blood rushing to the penis? I dont think the balls have to do with an erection... But, If they take out your balls, you won't be able to have kids.

Getting an erection has nothing to do with testicles xD so yeah thats possible

Your doctor's an idiot. Not only because of his rude comment, but also because of the invalidity of the statement. Men and women both have the same number of ribs. Assuming that he was going for the "women have more ribs" myth.

CatEyes66 0

82) Sounds right 72) Ya, you're probaby right. I've heard they had them for dogs to but I haven't heard about humans yet. It's suppose to help the male with the psychological part of getting his testicles removed or something. I hope OP knows this situation doesn't makes him any less then a man and there is always adoption.

64, yes they do have ******** implants I saw that on a show about sex change operations. OP I hope you'll be ok!

Planet Cancer. ( ... the forums on that site helped my husband through his cancer when he was 17 and he's met some really awesome people through it. Best to you, OP! And most importantly- Kick that sh*t in the teeth!!!

enonymous 8

Sorry to hear about your cancer. Here are free tips on beating cancer. 1) grow a mustache... Not that shitty pencil thin kind or weak handlebar oh ******* look at me i have curly tips mustache... I'm talk full on Magnum PI 2) Don't ever play Dave Chappelle on street hoops for the xbox. He will not let you win

mariet_fml 23

@89: I thought he was going for an Adam and Eve joke.

Actually, the testicles are (partly) responsible for producing hormones that help you get in the mood and get an erection. A lack of those hormones might leave OP incapable of getting an erection unless he tries hormonal therapy.

Alexunited1212 2

I know that he would not be able to ejaculate, but would a man without testicles still be able to feel sexually pleasured? If not, I would probably not have much fun on earth not being able to get off like a regular person.

I think the extra rib juts out and resembles a small breast. My girlfriend has the condition

164, he would most likely still ******, just that no semen will come out. Doesn't sound as if the the other fluids which are released through ejaculation won't though, but I'm not too sure about that.

cradle6 13

You can still ejaculate, as you still have semen. There will be no sperm in the semen though. But as someone mentioned, it really messes with your hormones. At the very least it can really damage your sex drive

Get implants, go big! Men like big boobs, so give the ladies big balls! All joking aside, do you have/want kids? You may need to freeze your swimmers incase you do lose it. But after that, no more worries about birth control! Good luck bro!

bfsd42 20

OP's fml was in relation to the doctors comment. In that respect, OP deserved it for not being able to take a joke from someone who was most likely trying to get a smile or laugh out of someone they have clearly known for a while.

sk8rchick97 0

I'm sorry op:/ and how would he deserve this no person deserves cancer of any form:/ Juss sayin

woody768 0

Wouldn't that be more like three sixths?

SirObvious 1

-225 if it's a fraction simplify 3/6 into 1/2 or change it to .5 and from there we can go to 50%

#89: That's entirely true. It's just another example of how the crap in the bible gets treated as truth, despite being mostly stories made up by ignorant bronze-age people.

GuitarFail123 9

no actually its not, he has cancer u arse. try being a lil more considerate.

I wish OP the best of luck with their battle with testicular cancer

GuitarFail123 9

see 39 got it, thnk u for being reasonable and respectful

I wasn't talking about the cancer idiot, I was talking about the being a woman part

je_suis_fml 11

87- um, yea none of it's funny as the patient is sitting there thinking about having cancer for the second time. give up your balls, you asshole.

I have cancer. I thought it was funny. So **** you more.

Bbhd05 0

I'm saying this more often: Keep your pimp hand strong.

What does the ribs joke have anything to do with it? Are women born with more ribs?

I'm thinking it's because a rib was taken from Adam to create Eve. At least that's what I got out of it. I could be mistaken though :s

X3liteXHunterX 12

Lame dude, sorry you won't be able to have kids. Good news though, you can get prosthetic balls so the "look" and "feel" won't be lost. Just the "function". Still, try to think positive, no preggo's!!

Maybe he's TTC. Then no eggo being preggo would be sad.

181: Cuz the pope looks like chancellor palpatine and I saw how that movie ended

5 can go suck a ****. OP, I'm so sorry to hear that. Best wishes. Maybe you can join "Remaining Men Together" and then Project Mayhem? No? In all seriousness, the doctor came off as an asshole, but a little comic relief is usually welcome in situations of high tension. Like being told you have cancer again. You're in my prayers, OP.

SlaveToRetail 10

#70 - Whereas I do agree with what you said, but... How does one "suck a ****"?

YdoIhaveAchode 4
22cute 17

You could probably sue the Dr over that terrible comment. At the least find a Doc who will be sane and supportive. Best wishes for your robust health! You will AlWAYS be the man!

Chernobil ?? 1 extra rib ? ******** cancer ? Op I'm sorry for you :( BTW WHO THE **** HEADED PEOPLE SAID YDI TO OP ???

puppydog 12

People born with a cervical rib are a lot more likely to develop cancer early in life, so they kind of go hand in hand :/ Really sucks though.

U shouldn't kicked him in the balls and say well I guess that makes two of us...

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MrBoredGuy 1
tylersign 11

Uh, reconsider? I don't see anywhere where OP said he ever said he once wanted to be a woman. Thanks for playing.

idontcare8l 3

^^^ hahahaha ( at your picture )

ipodlover1995 0

You can reconsider posting your comment.

i think people should be less sensitive regarding the op, if he posts it on fml then he is prepared for these jokes. maybe the people making jokes are just trying to lighten things up & make OP laugh. on the other hand, best wishes op :) xx

Alexunited1212 2

49- I remember that picture, I saw it on Funnyjunk. Does anyone remember That site used to be really popular.

I sort of agree with #158. Some jokes are tacky and in bad taste but a little light humour is a good thing. People seem to heal better when they have a positive demeanor. Generic moral outrage at people who joke or click YDI isn't worth one measly damn to OP. I've seen people here joke about rape, murder, and baby-punching but suddenly we're the have-a-heart crew? A sense of humour helped me deal with cancer more than maudlin sentiment ever did. OP's doctor is guilty of bad timing and a terrible punchline.

RawrNom 0

maybe you should consider changing sex? you're a 'miss' yet talk like a guy making fun of another guy losing his testes. stfu.

xxxNataliexxx 0

I feel you OP, I had two tumors in my armpit, got diagnosed with lymphoma, and I'm still going through chemotherapy. Stay strong, and best wishes.