Thanks, I guess

By joAnne - 03/03/2009 21:36 - United States

Today, I went to visit my fiancé's dying grandmother in the hospital with him. She started talking to us about living each day to the fullest. His grandmother points to me and says, "Life is short. That's why you don't waste any time screwing girls who look like that." FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 786
You deserved it 4 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ams_fml 0

don't worry, she's probably blind anyway.


King_of_Kings 3
Xaos 0

@ #6: Maybe because she truely thinks her grandson should be dating someone "better" than her? Just an idea here... shit, she's dying and too old to be polite; she just speaks her mind.

deer_fml 0

I feel like dying grandmas great grumpy. Don't take it too seriously, besides, it's his thought that matters!

fml_is_ml 0

yeah i hope i say stuff like that when im old...thats living when you got not a lot left to live.


wow you must really be fugly.

at least my grandma has the courtesy to say that kind of stuff behind my girlfriend's back.