Thanks Mom

By megangubler - 26/05/2014 22:34 - United States - Schaumburg

Today, my mom insisted on making my lunch. She didn't know that knives are banned at my high school, and packed me a steak knife for cream cheese. I'm now suspended for 7 days, and she refuses to say that she did anything wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 709
You deserved it 5 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Comet_Candy 23

Gosh, why didn't she just pack a plastic knife or something :/. Maybe just a spoon... FYL, OP!

Wow man, schools are harsh! Hope your mum sticks up for you eventually. FYL.


I can't go either way here right now because there is not enough information. Did you not know about the knife until it was too late?

my mom once shoved me with a shopping cart causing me to somehow break my arm and to this day she still says its my fault for standing in front of the cart, anyway sorry to hear about that, but hey, you have some time off right?

I carried a pocket knife since I was 8 even at school. Pussification of America is what cause this fml

That's harsh, especially if you've never gotten in trouble before. It's unfair too that your mom won't fess up...fyl OP.... =/

Aero_x 21

Yea, a kid I know got expelled for bringing a butter knife to school. But anyway, did you pull out all the contents of your bag before looking in the bag? Or at least have looked after feeling a knife. FYL though.

Who uses a steak knife for cream cheese?? FYL OP.

Why would the steak knife even be out in the morning if she's preparing food that goes with cream cheese (bagels, crackers possibly cut vegetables) ? I find it Extremely weird that it got put in your lunchbox. Seven days is definitely an excessive suspension though, unless you were an idiot and wielded it around.