
By Anonymous - 20/03/2016 22:46 - Canada - Niagara Falls

Today, while at work, I got a complaint from a guest. She complained that after spending two hours to get her hair done for a wedding, she got drenched with water from a child. I work at a WATER PARK. Thank you for calling me a pathetic asshat for no reason in front of other guests. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 222
You deserved it 1 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheNoNameGuy 20

Fyl OP. She should've worn an asshat if she didn't want her hair wet at a water park.

you shouldn't be at a waterpark if your hairdo takes 2 hours. LMAO


TheNoNameGuy 20

Fyl OP. She should've worn an asshat if she didn't want her hair wet at a water park.

I think wearing OP on your head would be to heavy... *drowns in sarcasm*

Err.... If you think she would wear an asshat to keep her hair from getting wet, I am thinking we must have different ideas on which hair she got done... (I am obviously joking ?)

My apologies, I meant to type an exclamation point instead of a question mark.

The worst part of working in customer or guest services is dealing with thoughtless, entitled people. I feel for you.

A07 48

That makes no sense whatsoever

Made sense in the morning... Guess I was still half asleep.

you shouldn't be at a waterpark if your hairdo takes 2 hours. LMAO

Why the hell was she at a waterpark if she spent that much time getting her hair ready? unless the wedding was at the waterpark but that wouldn't make much sense.

I'd love to have a wedding at a water park

If I got a dollar for every question like yours I'd be rich. But no, I haven't got a clue why she was there and why she thought it would be a wonderful idea to come to water park -.- And yeah that sounds like an awesome idea!

Why would she be at a water park when she is getting ready for a wedding?

If I had a clue why she was here during that day. I would let you know in a heartbeat because her thinking would be god damn hilarious

I wouldn't worry, if the other customers also heard why she called you a "pathetic asshat" they would likely come to the conclusion that she was wrong and/or stupid.

I would have responded sucks to be you, what did expect at a WATER PARK!!!

Yeah but some people have to keep there job

askullnamedbilly 33

If respect paid your bills, no one would voluntarily work in customer service jobs.

Hello Power Company, I would like to pay my bill. I have R400. Sorry we don't accept respect as payment.

Don't you know op, it's YOUR fault for being an employee there. And since it's your fault it's suddenly sociqlly acceptable to cuss you out for some reason. Seriously some people need to pipe down....