Thanks Outlook

By Buzz - 28/11/2008 05:35 - France

Today, I was doing a Power Point presentation to the management committee. Outlook Express was still open, and right in the middle of the presentation, a window popped up notifying me of a new message. "Subject: our reply to your application for the post of Marketing Manager." FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 372
You deserved it 8 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He/She applied to for a position at a different company. A position which i doubt she told his/her CURRENT employers about.


josace 9

Dang, #38 must be really retarded for calling #38 retarded without realizing it. Smh

Ouch! I feel ur painful experience. You have just showed that you may not have been working at your 100% performance which could be interpreted that you are not satisfied in your job which in turn kills the trust between you and your audience. I am sorry to say that they are considering you right now as a two-faced person. It is true that its your right to do so but it is just too awkward to happen like this.

One of the cardinal rules of presenting: only have open the applications that are required.