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By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Brooklyn

Today, after months of random vomiting with no apparent cause, I finally got some tests done. The doctor says there's nothing wrong with me and that it's all just in my head. Great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 096
You deserved it 4 403

Same thing different taste

Top comments

onealmxwilson 18

You should have vomited in his office and then asked if that was in your head too.

toowie_fml 20

I was doing that for awhile, later I came to realize that it was because I was stressed about something that I kept denying.


Previously on "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant."

It COULD potentially not be something wrong with your body, but instead mental factors (stress, maybe something is disgusting you involuntarily, like some spices that tend to make people gag)? Or your doctor could be wrong. Lol I once dislocated my shoulder and didn't go to the doctor for a month, he claimed there was nothing wrong and that I'm just weak (cause after the incident I had problems doing shoulder required stuff, throwing, push ups, etc.).

I think you might be allergic to something you might be eating...maybe a little blood work would be better..

I had a neurologist tell me that about my dizzy spells once... turned out to be high blood pressure. Get a second opinion.

I spent almost three years getting passed around by doctors who either told me my constant nausea, crushing fatigue, random dizziness/fainting, reality-altering headaches etc were either conveniently whatever their speciality was in or just "nothing." I finally found a nurse practitioner with her own office who was willing to do and redo a lot of tests including ones for autoimmune issues that previous doctors had thrown out because my numbers weren't quite high or low enough. I just found out I have a thyroid disease a few weeks ago and will probably know more soon as I get more tests back. I do a lot of my own research about symptoms and possibilities on forums as well (which can be really helpful when asking questions of a physician). Bottom line: you HAVE to be your own advocate. This doctor is clearly uncaring if not borderline incompetent--the first thing you need to do is find a healthcare professional who will listen to your concerns and work with you. Invisible illnesses require finesse, up-to-date knowledge, and individual patient treatment, not a blanket application of textbook technique. I definitely recommend finding an NP rather than a doctor to start, by the way; my best healthcare providers have always been nurses and an NP has basically all the authority of a doctor and can refer you to specialists as well. Sorry for the giant post. I'm not usually so serious. Good luck OP.

Most "hypochondriacs" worry about the smallest thing wrong being a life or death situation (says a quick Google search). I feel like vomiting randomly isn't a small thing.

Over stressed? Any significant changes in your life lately? Otherwise try a different doctor, a nurse practitioner, or go to a health clinic. Doctors can often overlook a lot of stuff, as weird as it sounds.