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By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Brooklyn

Today, after months of random vomiting with no apparent cause, I finally got some tests done. The doctor says there's nothing wrong with me and that it's all just in my head. Great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 096
You deserved it 4 403

Same thing different taste

Top comments

onealmxwilson 18

You should have vomited in his office and then asked if that was in your head too.

toowie_fml 20

I was doing that for awhile, later I came to realize that it was because I was stressed about something that I kept denying.


No, she just needs a new doctor ASAP. Get better, OP, I hope it's nothing too serious :(

FireFlie07 20

Really? Doctors told me the same thing and I ended up eating out of a feeding tube in my arm until they finally started looking at all other alternatives. Even the therapists said I was fine. It ended up being fibromyalgia and the nerves in my pancreas were over-reacting. Half of the people with GI issues that are adults with vomiting they write off as rumination syndrome because its the easiest thing to explain away if your bloodwork comes out fine. Don't believe the first doctor that runs tests. Go to another doctor OP, they are not all created equal.

That happened to me for over 4 years, turns out it was parasites in my liver. Doctors are the worst, I had to resort to a naturopath. Hope this helps :)

haileyshelton 14

"Of course it's all in your head. Why should that mean it isn't real?"

I have gastroparesis and went from doctor to doctor for several years because they couldn't find out what was wrong. A gastric emptying study was done and that's when they found out what was wrong. Try getting a new gastro doc and getting this test done as vomiting is often a huge symptom.

Just curious, how did a naturopath find out it was "parasites in your liver"?

You know sometimes psychiatric issues will present themselves in physical symptoms, not saying that OP has mental issue but they may need to because these physical symptoms may have a psychological basis and there is no physical disorder to explain it.

58, you beat me to the punch. OP, definitely see a GI ASAP. Gastroparesis is becoming one of the most commonly overlooked diseases. Not only do you vomit pretty much 24/7, your blood work has horrible results, you're constantly fatigued, the thought of eating makes you feel worse (no matter how much you love food), and you feel dizzy (always either a little bit, decent amount, or extremely). Please get a Gastric Emptying Study and/or Gastric Swallowing Test. I would hate to hear you end up with a Groshong Tunnel in your chest plate and a Jtube in your abdomen, with more hospital visits and admissions than you can remember, such as myself. Good luck!

onealmxwilson 18

You should have vomited in his office and then asked if that was in your head too.

JocelynKaulitz 28

Maybe it can be on his head too.

wellthen7154 12

Throw up in his ear, then it will be in his head. Or say "**** YOU" and flick him off and tell him it's all in his head.... I'm a horrible person.

Well, to be fair, it WAS in his head... Then it left his head.

#40...vomit comes from your stomach. Not your head.

its in your mouth coming out so in your head.

tje125 9

Just because the cause was in his head doesn't mean his symptoms weren't real

#43 I was being very literal with my comment in an attempt at humor. Sadly it failed.

Rainhawk94 27

Well tell him it goes from your head to all over the walls

toowie_fml 20

I was doing that for awhile, later I came to realize that it was because I was stressed about something that I kept denying.

Stress can be described as causing the body as much damage as getting hit by a car. Your body can do horrible things when stressed. When i get a full blown panic attack, my hands and feet curl up and freeze (you cant even pry them open), i seizure, and pass out.

When I'm stressed there are no external things that happen to me. I just bottle it all up. No doubt, though, I'm doing other harm that I don't know about.

I tend to agree with this, I retch a lot for the same reason. I get stressed easily due to cerebral palsy and usually only know something is bothering me when the retching starts.

Yes, stress can do a lot of damage. I don't usually notice my stress because I bottle it up too. I don't have any physical symptoms, but that doesn't mean it hasn't come back to bite me in the ass. I've had a couple of mental breakdowns and panic attacks from bottling up so many stressful things. So maybe stress could be the reason for the random vomiting. I still thinks he should get another doctor's opinion.

Vomit on him and see if he still thinks it's in your head.

Lol maybe it's something your eating everyday? Try looking at the color of your vomit and see if you can recognize what it is.

I agree, try going to a nutritionist. You might be allergic to something.

Either get a second opinion or go to therapy. Your doctor sucks.

Oddly enough, this was happening to my son too. As it turns out, he was basically over-dosing on vitamins. His body was producing enough vitamins and he was taking a multivitamin everyday. Who would have thought? Something to look in to...

Drag0nb0rn 22

This is why you should only take vitamins if you know you have a deficiency or you aren't getting enough from food because it can cause serious harm to your body if you have too much

A lot of autoimmune diseases can be misdiagnosed or go unnoticed.