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THAT guy

By Anonymous - 26/08/2024 21:00

Today, my crush, who has turned me down in the past, actually gave me the “Why can’t I find a decent guy like you?” speech. That’s it, I’m officially THAT guy, I’m just that pathetic. I’d happily never see her again after this, except we live on the same street and work in the same building. FML
I agree, your life sucks 500
You deserved it 158

Same thing different taste

Top comments

easybree 10

honestly, this is why I can’t be friends with men. imagine they never wannna see you again & you have no idea why.

Unfortunately, an unexpressed crush is nothing. I know there have been people I was attracted to, but it went nowhere for various reasons. You either take your chance and say you’d like to date them or you are doomed to the “friend zone”. Obviously don't come on too strong, that will scare anyone off… Ultimately we all have a choice of if we like someone in a potentially romantic way and just because one person is attracted to the other doesn’t mean the other person has any obligation to them… The good news is that there is not just “the one” there are multiple potential people we might connect with emotionally and who would be attracted to you. But obsessing over someone who’s not available or interested in you just keeps you from noticing others who might be a good match.


Stop being too available. She can only miss and obsess over someone that she doesn't have. As long as you chase her, she has no reason to give/care more than what she is currently giving/caring or to reconsider her feelings. Good luck.

easybree 10

honestly, this is why I can’t be friends with men. imagine they never wannna see you again & you have no idea why.

Unfortunately, an unexpressed crush is nothing. I know there have been people I was attracted to, but it went nowhere for various reasons. You either take your chance and say you’d like to date them or you are doomed to the “friend zone”. Obviously don't come on too strong, that will scare anyone off… Ultimately we all have a choice of if we like someone in a potentially romantic way and just because one person is attracted to the other doesn’t mean the other person has any obligation to them… The good news is that there is not just “the one” there are multiple potential people we might connect with emotionally and who would be attracted to you. But obsessing over someone who’s not available or interested in you just keeps you from noticing others who might be a good match.

OP has asked them out and got turned down. That's perfectly fine. What OP objects to is the "Why can't I find someone like you, but not you" comment. Which is perfectly understandable and valid. OP needs to move on though.

tiptoppc 19

Ok, as a former “one of those people”, I’ve seen both of the sides of this and can declare this bullshit. First, figure out a way to boost your self confidence and a spine. Second, draw a line at where you consider what you want. If they don’t want to match, walk away. Third, the self pity act doesn’t get you jack. Just because my life is unfortunate, doesn’t mean I have to bitch and moan and go “woe is me”. It’s definitely not attractive. Ever since i found humor in many of my short fallings, people stopped dreading to be around me, but pity parties are lonely and anyone attending is awkward and disturbed by it. It’s also lonely in pity parties. Since learning these, i stopped finding myself dismissed and was not only able to find a wife, find some happiness and i do better from it. Even a decent job i enjoy. But no one wants to be around a depressed blob that constantly says they are getting rained on (think that depression med commercial) Seriously, this “nice guy” thing is B.S. there is none. I can BE nice, but like everyone else, I was really an asshole. Once I owned and accepted it, less people felt caught in a gravitational pull from just being in vicinity to actually enjoying being around me. We are all just various degrees of asshole, but how you use it and how you deal with strife is what defines whether people look at who you are, and whether they want to stick around.