That's entertainment

By Anonymous - 15/08/2023 10:00

Today, in the middle of an argument with my wife, our autistic son started calling out tennis scores, which turned out to be his way of keeping score of who was winning the argument. Apparently, by the end, it was 40-love approaching server's deuce point, which I think means I lost the argument badly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 636
You deserved it 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This got a small chuckle out of me, not going to lie.

Forty-love is the server's game point. If there were a deuce point, it means you actually were even at that point. It's sounds like everything is your double-fault.


This got a small chuckle out of me, not going to lie.

Forty-love is the server's game point. If there were a deuce point, it means you actually were even at that point. It's sounds like everything is your double-fault.

Well, now I know what I'm doing next time my dad goes on a rant about (insert demographic here)...probably not tennis scores, though, more like Olympic scoring.