That's one way of coming out

By Anonymous - 17/01/2014 02:51 - United States - Landenberg

Today, I downloaded Grindr to my phone. It also downloaded to my mom's phone, my dad's phone, and my brother's phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 211
You deserved it 22 943

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Blame it on your brother or a friend when they question it. Just an idea.


Is that an iPhone thing that it puts apps on every phone in the account? Glad I have android then.

Only if the family shared one apple ID (Apple account) and that would be very stupid of them to do and cause problems trying to use it, or if they shared a iCloud account (Basically think of it as dropbox for iPhone, once its on one, its on all) (P.s. I prefer box to dropbox because box gives you 50GB free as soon as you sign up)

arandomusernameaa 20

Basically if you are all on the same iTunes account it transfers everything to all the other devices, unless you turn it off... basically it is OP's fault.

Ins0mau 20

Only if you share an iTunes account (which is stupid) and also set your devices to automatically download purchased apps (which is off by default, I think).

Anyone mind explaining to me how downloading it on one phone got it on the others? I don't get how that happens.

arandomusernameaa 20

If they are all on the same iTunes account (because they are family) iCloud automatically uploads everything to all the other devices if you have the feature turned on...

Ins0mau 20

I think it's a stupid idea for a family to share a single iTunes account.

If you would like, I can come over and explain things to your parents... :)

Wait, there's **** apps? FML for being on the FML app all this time. I could have been watching **** instead.

I'm guessing all of your families iPhones are hooked up to iCloud together. I'm sorry you came out this way OP, I'm sure that's not what you intended. Hopefully your parents are open minded

GreyWolf98 1

Nothing says "surprise! I'm gay!" quite like grindr.