The Beach Boys

By aligator1009 - 09/05/2012 04:54 - United States

Today, I went to the beach. While I was enjoying the sun, an old man with prosthetic leg and no clothes on sat next to me. He took off his fake leg and put it behind his head. Then he opened his legs revealing his "stuff." I will never unsee this. Ever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 179
You deserved it 2 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lifes_a_bust 0

A pillow for a leg, that's handy.

Well why were you staring for so long? It's rude to stare.


ROTFLOLSHIDMTOTFWTTAU!!! rollingonthefloorlaughingoutloudsohardIdroppedmytacoonthefloorwhiletalkingtoanunicorn. nevermind, just exploring under bed.

old men are strange. one old guy came into my old store and started undoing his pants while talking to me(my fiance swore up and down that he was hitting on me cause he said my fiance wasn't good looking enough for me) and he thought that my uniform shirt should have had darts for my boobs. he was wearing another pair of pants but really who does that? was the old man hitting on you or just airing his junk?

Get him some new clothes for Christmas. Not as a main present, but just as a little stocking filler. Chortle chortle

ctfu_nargs 1

Ewwie he probably has old saggy, wrinkly balls. O___O

Am I the only one who misread that like the guy opened his fake leg and thought "what stuff?"

How did he open his legs, plural, if he only had one leg?