By full of losses - 29/07/2018 13:00 - United States

Today, the day after my grandfather's funeral, my grandmother informed me I have 30 days to move out. I've been living with them for four years, helping take care of my sick grandfather. She's already changed the locks and won't unlock the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 555
You deserved it 441

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Let her know not to expect you to come back to take care of her when she needs help.

Wow, that’s some mighty ingratitude!


That was an illegal eviction, in probably most if not all states you are considered a tenant even if you do not pay rent. While in some places a 30-day notice might be enough to remove you, she can not change the locks before then. If you need help would like to go to court over it contact a lawyer, if you cannot afford a lawyer contact legal aid in your area. If you would like further advice and have a reddit or would want one r/legaladvice deals with these issues almost daily.

Go to her funeral and tell everyone what a bitch she was.

What in an ingrate. Just remember, you probably get to pick the nursing home she'll stay in because you aren't going to help take care of her when she's sick.

Are you sure she didn't kill him as an excuse to get rid of you? Still, parents or parental figures who do this to their kids disgust me. It's one thing if you're 30+ years old and do nothing but play video games and don't work or try to get employment, but if you're actually trying and need some help, well, that's just heartless.