The good son

By Busted ears - 28/09/2024 02:00 - United States

Today, as I was taking care of my mom while my dad was at work, she fell asleep. This would be fine, except she has one of the worst cases of sleep apnea ever recorded. Her snores are so loud, they almost sound like gunshots. I can't leave her alone or block out the sound in case she stops breathing for too long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 209
You deserved it 48

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lffayen 4

Record her breathing and tell her she's going to get a CPap immediately. Be firm.


Lffayen 4

Record her breathing and tell her she's going to get a CPap immediately. Be firm.

Then you wake her up. If she has a CPAP, you get her to use it.