The grass is never greener

By Toolate - 21/12/2016 12:26

Today, after having gone off the pill a couple of weeks ago, I finally got my old friskiness back only to find part of a condom wrapper in my husband's pocket. Turns out he was impatient and went elsewhere. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 762
You deserved it 1 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Normally I'm not one to jump on the dump him bandwagon, but in this instance where it seems like he was cheating on you because your desires didn't match his, I'd be willing to make an exception. Talk to him first, though, and not accusingly. Simply ask about it. It could be innocent, such as an old wrapper from the last time you two had sex and he found it, and picked it up placing it in his pocket, intending to throw it away, but forgetting to.

Might be a reach but could have been masterbating with it for less mess


kid1jeets 6

Plot twist, it's a Twix wrapper.

Talk to him. He may have just been having a posh wank.

I experienced the same problem with the pill. It's quite ironic that birth control which should make sex easier for you leaves you with not wanting sex at all. That's one reason why I don't understand why doctors give out the pill like candy and don't tell you about all the side effects or about other possibilities you have for birth control.

Twisted_Angel 17

The last part of this "turns out he went elsewhere" makes me think she already asked him, and he confessed. sorry OP that sucks. good luck figuring out what to do next.