The inner light

By Anonymous - 21/09/2022 15:00 - United Kingdom - Aldershot

Today, I asked my husband if we could rekindle some of our old intimacy, get back in touch with each other’s inner selves, that sort of thing. He looked confused, then got a big smile and said, “You mean we can do anal again? Why didn’t you just say so?” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 481
You deserved it 624

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't expect guys to get your hints well. Be clear. If you didn't mean butt stuff you should have specified vanilla sex or emotional discussions. Otherwise our minds go off on strange tangents.

sounds like you need to simplify it for him


LMAOOO well you did ask! Get the wine and lube ready ASAP 🤣

Don't expect guys to get your hints well. Be clear. If you didn't mean butt stuff you should have specified vanilla sex or emotional discussions. Otherwise our minds go off on strange tangents.

sounds like you need to simplify it for him

Say you might consider it after he experienced it himself.

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