The irony stings

By Anonymous - 08/05/2009 02:07 - United States

Today, I was driving home, it was 80 degrees out. Making a rare attempt to be eco-friendly, I turned off the A/C and lowered the windows. A bee then flew in through the window, hit my cheek, and stung me. That's what I get for attempting to be eco-friendly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 055
You deserved it 11 326

Same thing different taste

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Today, my friend and I were out looking for nectar, when a gigantic beast rumbles by and sucks my friend into its gaping jaws. He hits some flesh inside the mouth, and sacrifices himself for the hive by stinging the horrid beast. FML

Ironically, at that speed, it's better for the environment to roll up your windows and use the AC. Opening the windows creates enough drag to worsen the MPG.


#53. Made me giggle. I've never been stung by a bee either. I hear it sucks.

OP: Agreed with #27 & #40 -- I find it irritating that you admitted you 'rarely' attempt to take care of the environment and are now gonna use this as an excuse to not even try. This reminds me of all the asshole city kids at my college that throw trash into the recycling bins. Selfish people like you piss me off.

If it's 65+ I lower all my windows and be "eco-friendly" no bee has flown into my car haha.

comment_fml 0

The environment is a rough place to live, but it's the only one we've got -- don't let a bee in your bonnet stop you from being environmentally conscious!

I clicked on this just to say what #4 already beat me to. FML

Don_fml 0

Yep, what #4 said. It's ok around town to forgo the A/C, but if you're driving anything above 45mph, it's better to roll up the windows and use the A/C.

ok. lets clear some ideas up. if you are driving at low speed YES having your window down is greener than using a/c but if you're moving at high speed go for the a/c. #41 a prius uses more gas than 4 L diesel Audi. #50 they don't use CFC's any more. they use an inert gas called Freon #54 if you're using less horsepower you're using less gas... think about how an engine works. #56 if it wasn't for mother nature would you exist? #91 in many cars the a/c is actually fun directly off the engine if you're wondering how i know? I've spent the last ten years learning about physics and cars are a passion of mine. when a new one is due to be released i always research what it's capabilities are, including fuel economy. also everyone should be aware of the environment. just do little things when you can. a true greeny wouldn't use condoms because of the environmental affects. but all of us (the world) who aren't intending on having kids do. green or not finally OP sucks to be stung by a bee. hope you aren't allergic

weman321 0
causeless 0

God hates you. There's no other explanation.