The irony stings

By Anonymous - 08/05/2009 02:07 - United States

Today, I was driving home, it was 80 degrees out. Making a rare attempt to be eco-friendly, I turned off the A/C and lowered the windows. A bee then flew in through the window, hit my cheek, and stung me. That's what I get for attempting to be eco-friendly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 055
You deserved it 11 326

Same thing different taste

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Today, my friend and I were out looking for nectar, when a gigantic beast rumbles by and sucks my friend into its gaping jaws. He hits some flesh inside the mouth, and sacrifices himself for the hive by stinging the horrid beast. FML

Ironically, at that speed, it's better for the environment to roll up your windows and use the AC. Opening the windows creates enough drag to worsen the MPG.


#3, that was funnier than the FML. Good job. XD

Just because he didn't know that having the windows down isn't as eco-friendly doesn't mean he's retarded. Maybe he just didn't know. Thought that counts. FYL, op.

Turning your AC off and rolling the windows down is less eco friendly because your gas milage drops ... So good choice

Turning your AC off and rolling the windows down is less eco friendly because your gas milage drops ... So good choice

That wastes just as much gas because now ur car has more air resistance and it has to work harder and therefore use more gas. Next time just keep the a/c on

the 'wind' would just be hot air anyways

i drive with the windowns down and ac on while smoking, who goves a shit. The amount of gas you save is useless. it is like saying i turned off the radio to be eco friendly. **** that shit

After scientific research, the mythbusters found out that rolling the windows is not saving any gas, rather it might make it worse - depending on your driving speed.