By Stung - 19/06/2009 04:32 - United States

Today, the weather was nice so I decided to eat outside. I quickly found out that my new, expensive hair conditioner attracts bees. Lots of bees. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 092
You deserved it 6 732

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha, bees love you. At least it wasn't bears.

Maybe you shouldn't be using honey as a hair conditioner then so you don't attract the bees like Nicolas Cage does. OH NO NOT THE BEES! NOT THE BEES!


Haha, bees love you. At least it wasn't bears.

Lol........ to be sitting outside, and all of a sudden have a bear pounce on your head.'s funnier in my mind......

xenomorph 0

Or are you making a reference to this? (

Hiimhaileypotter 52

# 1 and 61 - I thought you both typed "beans." That was hilarious, picturing beans. xP

Ringmaster1 0

Ooh, bad luck. Remember not to wear it next time.

lakaiskate 12

I don't understand the necessity of putting "expensive". I do not think anyone cares.

#102 If anything they deserve it for spending a lot of money on conditioner. Conditioner is one of those products which cheap or expensive is still just conditioner. OP you gullible consumer

glykoula09 0

I probably wouldve shittt myself I'm terrified of bees.... 3rd

fmlforever_2 0

#3 im with u my sis got stung in the temples by some bees and now im ******* scared shitless wen i see one lol but that sucks OP wat type of conditioner was it? FYL for sure

katiedoll6 7

Ugghh I hate bees but I despise wasps

cd_130 0

Dame that suck atleast I didn't get stung by them ! LOL

It probably smells like fruit and you wore bright colors or black. Seriously. It happens all the time.

That happened to me with a very sweet smelling hair spray. Whenever I walked around or rode my bike large amounts of insects would collect in my hair. Once I was riding my bike and when I ran a hand through my hair, a bee that had been hiding there stung my hand.

sillypuppy 0

Ouch! Sorry to hear that. Did it hurt? O_o

Could have just been the fact that you were EATING outside MAYBE?? just a thought

Nah, some hair products really do that. Especially the ones with sweet fruit-like smells.

I agree, i highly doubt it was the conditioner, why did you come to that conclusion anyway? does it SAY that on the bottle? You were probably eating a honey sandwich on honey oat bread and drinking honey flavored pop

I was thinking along the same lines - how can you be sure it was the conditioner?

crapthisismylife 0

Then the bees would probably have gone to the food. If she thinks they are attracted to the conditioner they probably flocked to her hair.

Maybe you shouldn't be using honey as a hair conditioner then so you don't attract the bees like Nicolas Cage does. OH NO NOT THE BEES! NOT THE BEES!

there is a morning talk show in Detroit called "mojo in the morning" and they do phone scams and one if them was just like that except it had to do with a salon

So obviously she was copying that, I mean there is no other logical explanation.