The language of love

By Anonymous - 20/01/2010 16:17 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend and I went for a swim in his pool. I was hoping that the swim would be somewhat romantic, however, that came to an abrupt end when he decided that it would be cool and funny to try and lift me up by my boobs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 702
You deserved it 4 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

carrotpuke 0

You just got a free breast lift!

JukeboxBunny 0

How hard are your boobs for that to even be a remote possibility?


lols, thats like trying to lift yur boyfriend by his sack.

discardedashs584 0

Dude, you all need to chillll out! This is funny as ****. 1 your in water so it's not as bad, 2 it's nothing like picking him up by his sack, that's just downright mean. 3 he was tryin to be funny. Give him a break I'm sure he's a good guy and you two are good.

ontheloose 0

lmao that's funny! but it really makes my boobs hurt just thinking about it

Is your boyfriend on something or what?

twointheshirt 0