The Voice

By legit247 - 10/05/2013 04:44 - United States - Moscow Mills

Today, working at a fast food restaurant, I was cleaning dishes in the back. I started to sing to myself. During the chorus I heard the echo of my voice in my ear. My boss had pushed the talk button on my headset so every staff member and everyone in the lobby could hear me over the intercom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 785
You deserved it 9 467

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wizardo 33

That only means your boss thinks your singing is pretty good... That or he wanted to get all the windows replaced.

That prank was a real Whopper. You mayo not think you have a single McNugget of self esteem left, but don't worry - karma will ketchup to your boss in the end.


challan 19

Which song was it? "Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles on a sesame seed bun" or "ding fries are done, ding fries are done, ding fries are done..."

perdix 29

#12, Hold the pickles Hold the lettuce Special orders Won't upset us.

pastispast 7

You just became popular at work.

perdix 29
Remembered 14

Maybe your boss is trying to start up your musical career. :)

Mr25_fml 14

This is when you bust out with a full-on musical

Next thing you know you'll see a commercial about you're fast food restaurant with your voice in the background.

Seriously with all the grammar nazi comments on the Internet, how do people STILL not understand plain English????

It's more of a win if OP is good at singing. Who doesn't want to hear a beautiful voice?