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By not telling you my name - 07/08/2015 15:16 - United States - Elkhart

Today, I went to take a dump at work. The silence in the room was deafening, and I ended up singing to myself. After I proudly finished, there was a short silence, followed by a coworker in the next stall saying, "Um... don't quit the day job, Rick." I'll never live this down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 640
You deserved it 5 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Murilirum 23

I think he's to blame considering he didn't help by humming or pickup up some of the backup singing. One person can only do so much... :-/

At least you didn't have musical sharts instead...


FlamingJazkinz 15

You're the next American idol...

He was Rick Rolling the other guy, even if it was on accident.

At least you didn't have musical sharts instead...

Maybe keep the singing at home next time to avoid such a thing?

Tell him that Bathroom Acoustics fix EVERYTHING

Murilirum 23

I think he's to blame considering he didn't help by humming or pickup up some of the backup singing. One person can only do so much... :-/

At least you aren't like the other guy on FML who farted smokey River.

Be grateful you hadn't decided to break the silence by experimenting with musical sharts instead.