They made me do it
By Cat - 07/11/2011 04:43 - United States
By Cat - 07/11/2011 04:43 - United States
By why - 16/03/2015 01:10 - United States - Tucson
By single and unbuggered - 31/07/2015 21:04 - United Kingdom - Manchester
By batgirlrules881 - 07/11/2009 15:26 - United States
By Hm - 08/02/2010 04:03 - United States
By Sara246 - 19/08/2010 23:11 - Canada
By Anonymous - 19/11/2018 17:30
By Just an Exam - 14/12/2016 18:37 - United States
By Kayleigh - 16/03/2021 21:59 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 23/10/2013 07:40 - United States
By madseason - 07/05/2012 00:13 - United States
Ouch. DTMFA, OP. What a lame ass soon-to-be ex-boyfriend.
Then he got raped, poor guy
Everyman has a wondering penis. Dont go looking to catch him cuz you will then bla bla bla.....stay ignorant and be happy he comes home to you
That is probably the most eloquent, most intelligent statement I have ever read on the Internet. You, sir, are a national treasure.
You shoulda joined in ...atleast then he might have a good time
fyl dump that douche
You don't want to get caught cheating if you're going out with 13.