They made me do it

By Cat - 07/11/2011 04:43 - United States

Today, I caught my boyfriend cheating on me. His response? "It's not like I liked it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 203
You deserved it 3 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thingamajiga 5
Confuciussay 6

You don't want to get caught cheating if you're going out with 13.


Confuciussay 6

Yes, but your solution makes me shiver in fear lol.

Akasen 1

I was gonna write a tsundere comment to this but I lack the wit to write one up for this.

He has a sense of humor, and that's ALL chicks want, right?! So forgive him and live happily ever after!

"It's not like I like dumping your ass, but I'm still doing it." And walk away.

Spandexabc 3

That's A Cop Out, Get Rid Of That Jerk.

I'd keep his ass just long enough to return the favor and when asked about it I'd say "sweet baby Jesus, I didn't just like it, I LOVED it! better sex then your sorry ass ever gave me" even the playing field a bit >:)

bubo_fml 10

Never underestimate the power of a pity ****...He was only doing his compassionate duty to the booty! (BOOM chicka WAH WAH!)

precisely, poor dude prob deserves a reward for the 'hogging' that he was obligated to do.