They made me do it

By Cat - 07/11/2011 04:43 - United States

Today, I caught my boyfriend cheating on me. His response? "It's not like I liked it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 203
You deserved it 3 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thingamajiga 5
Confuciussay 6

You don't want to get caught cheating if you're going out with 13.


Twisted_Angel 17

Break up with him. Then tell him the relationship didn't count because "It's not like you liked it."

If it was with me....he would have liked it ;) but no, he's an loser hun. Dump his ass!

Helldemon 32

dude should have dumped the chick for not putting out

Idk who's dumber your bf for using that as an excuse or you for dating this idiot in the first place

Stessin_Trust 4

Soundz Likes Sumone Needz To Dropped

Wat a douchebag but that response he gave is really funny!! XD!!

He meant being with you.. He didn't like being with you..