
By Anonymous - 18/04/2013 04:00 - United States - New York

Today, I had to explain to a woman why she wasn't allowed to squeeze all the contents of the sample lotion bottle into her own bottle. She threw a fit, and dumped the whole bottle on my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 306
You deserved it 4 074

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kallian_fml 21

That woman is a genius! Well, for having the idea, not the getting caught part.

zahra_786 19

I wonder how long she has been doing that for & in how many stores! Quite clever but silly at the same time :).


MusoManiac 4

Been there. Gotta love retail.

Thatsjank 5

Should have slapped her or threw it back in her hair

Should havr grabbed some of the mixture from your head and thrown it at her face.

For someone who is that cheap I can't believe she wasted the whole bottle on you, you must be special.. or really need lotion.

how does someone dump a whole bottle of lotion on your head? Did you just stand there saying "please stop"?

Megan639 16

Well it IS a sample lotion bottle

daydreamer244 13