
By Anonymous - 18/04/2013 04:00 - United States - New York

Today, I had to explain to a woman why she wasn't allowed to squeeze all the contents of the sample lotion bottle into her own bottle. She threw a fit, and dumped the whole bottle on my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 306
You deserved it 4 074

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kallian_fml 21

That woman is a genius! Well, for having the idea, not the getting caught part.

zahra_786 19

I wonder how long she has been doing that for & in how many stores! Quite clever but silly at the same time :).


1crabbygirl 10

Ladies and moisturizer are a dangerous place to get between! Yikes.

Many people are complete walking idiots!

it may just be me but, , , I think u might've been better with just leaving the issue alone all together

Why on earth would you leave the situation alone?

BellaBelle_fml 23

Well, I don't generally go throughout my day expecting that something negative is just waiting to happen to me. And I would think that most people don't generally think that another person is going to react in such a ridiculous manner to something as petty as this. Having said all of that, yea, I would have definitely done the exact same thing as the OP did in this situation. And I would have done it without expecting an immature temper-tantrum to be thrown at me along with the moisturizer. Also, periods, not commas, should be used to form ellipses…

I would have probably slapped the stupid out of her if she had tried that with me. No one has the right to assault you no matter what your job is.

darkenedone 27

Why wasn't she allowed to? Is the limit on the amount of lotion that can be removed or where it can be placed directly after removal from the sample bottle, or perhaps something else? What exactly is (are) the limit(s)?

AurumPotestasEst 16

Because it's theft. The sample probably isn't allowed to leave the store or else people would just keep coming back for the sample bottles. She was trying to get lotion without paying for it.

How do you steal something that's free? I understand that it's there for samples for everyone and it's pretty damned rude to dump the samples into your own container, but theft? Next you'll be saying it's theft to take more than one sample from the Costco food people.

Are you two serious? The entire point of sampling a product is so that multiple people can see if it's something they may or may not like. You're not going to keep sampling something you don't like in hopes that you will later. If you do like it then you buy it. Also if you have to ask if there's a limit then you simply have no manners.

threer 30

It's not TECHNICALLY illegal is his point. It may not be right and it counts as theft in correlation to morals, but in the eyes of the law, it's a-okay.

Pstraka6 20

It's sad that you had to tell a grown woman not to do that. Its called a 'sample' bottle for a reason. It is meant for samples, not to hoard its contents for free. This lady is crazy I hope you told her to leave immediately. Don't let it get your day down, you're awesome because most workers wouldn't correct other people's rude behavior

this seems like a thing that's bern showing a lot lately. The scenario no the lotion stealing. Author explains or tries to help someone and the person over reacts. this kinda reminds me of the one where the person hits the Author over the head with a purse.

BellaBelle_fml 23

Hmm…I'm not really sure why it would seem that way to you. I mean, it's not like this is FML and those are the scenarios that typically make an FML, right? Oh wait… And the authors of FMLs are referred to as OPs, meaning Original Posters.

\ 28

There must be some pollutant in the atmosphere that the EPA missed that causes people to want to do inexplicably stupid things.

Unfortunately people like her are the same ones who will probably spawn way too many times.