By ExtemelyBroke - 06/06/2009 02:24 - United States
By ExtemelyBroke - 06/06/2009 02:24 - United States
By noeducation - 27/08/2009 09:16 - Canada
By poor man - 26/11/2014 14:13 - United States - Fort Lauderdale
By screwed - 19/11/2009 03:31 - United States
By unitythemene - 04/07/2019 22:00
By Bummer - 30/10/2009 02:00 - United States
By armenta427 - 07/10/2009 04:12 - United States
By FuckedOver - 14/01/2016 14:31 - United States - Houston
By Me - 12/09/2011 07:36 - United States
By Anonymous - 23/09/2013 02:56 - United States - San Francisco
By skyhigh - 13/01/2011 05:48 - United States
#8 and 28, You can get a decent HDTV for around $1000 now, and an in ground pool for about $7-8000. This is very believeable. #38, People like you shouldn't have kids. Ever. Also, what #54 said. You decide to have kids, they're your responsibility. You're SUPPOSED to take care of them, and not throw it up in their faces when they hit 18. Just remember that comes full circle when you're too old to care for yourself. OP, I feel your pain. Something very similar happened to me a few months ago.
you can easily sue them
Dude, sue. Who gives if you're related they can't do shit like that. That are just dickhole parents anyway,
That's rough OP, but 2 things... exactly how far did you plan to go with 10k with today's expenses? And... are you sure that was all your money in there or money they had set aside? Of course, it would have been nice for them to consult you and let you know how they would still help you through college (hopefully they will). Either way they're your parents and have given you a pretty damn good start out in life (see: starving, homeless, clotheless children of the world). If you're some adult now, act like it and talk to them. Bitch-ass kids like the ones here will jump to litigation or heaven-forbid murder at the drop of a hat.
SUE THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF THEM ******* sons of bitches HOW DARE THEY? my advice: Sue them for every single cent you can get...then kill 'em. This is your education ffs; does nobody care anymore?!
I'd either demand money or sue them for the pool and sell the tv
#14 (across_the_sea), you are such a jerk People are supposed to trust their parents, and by this person working all this time to make so much money they do not deserve it to all be taken away. And you can't prepare for getting your money stolen from your parents. That was so stupid for you to say. Parents are your protectors and providers, and are meant to nurture, not to steal. I just wish that you, like many other people as you can tell on this page, could see the frustration and anger that comes with your parents stealing money. Because once you see your future vanish in front of your eyes, even for a second, it's devastating.
#46 You could inexpectedly just show up to use the pool at the worst times possible and them refuse to leave and u can even bum off dinner if u wanted
I have to partially agree with #13, you undoubtedly have not been saving money of your own since "you were a little kid." your parents have. the flip side, however, is that perhaps their intention of saving that money was, in fact, to put towards your college? if so, that's totally uncool of them spending it like that. my guess is, however, that we're not getting the full story..... decided not to go to college, or you dropped out, or that you're like 30 now and they figured it was safe to spend the money.....
Sue. Sure, they're your parents, but God, being inconsiderate like that. It's your future.
That really ought to be illegal. You get screwed if your parents don't meet their financial aid obligations for your education, so there should be some legal requirement for your parents to meet those obligations.