By ExtemelyBroke - 06/06/2009 02:24 - United States
By ExtemelyBroke - 06/06/2009 02:24 - United States
By noeducation - 27/08/2009 09:16 - Canada
By poor man - 26/11/2014 14:13 - United States - Fort Lauderdale
By screwed - 19/11/2009 03:31 - United States
By unitythemene - 04/07/2019 22:00
By Bummer - 30/10/2009 02:00 - United States
By armenta427 - 07/10/2009 04:12 - United States
By FuckedOver - 14/01/2016 14:31 - United States - Houston
By Me - 12/09/2011 07:36 - United States
By Anonymous - 23/09/2013 02:56 - United States - San Francisco
By skyhigh - 13/01/2011 05:48 - United States
I don't really understand why people are saying it's not his money. When I was little I would put my birthday and Christmas money in a bank, and the allowance I got. Then I got a job and put that money in an account, and I consider all of that to be mine. The OP's parents had absolutely no right to take that money.
(Haha I guess I'm not 100 in above post, LOL sorry) Well they did pay for your food board vacations etc until you were about 18... So I would say they kinda have the right to take some of your money haha(: but it may be illegal - google it for your state That is IF this is even REAL... It does sound kinda fake
#16 ftw.
They have no right to take your money Some parents you have I'd guilt trip em And demand that they pay me back
Sue, even your parents deserve it. If not, make sure they aren't paying the bill by getting yourself those nice things for yourself with their credit card.
Sue. Sure, they're your parents, but God, being inconsiderate like that. It's your future.
That really ought to be illegal. You get screwed if your parents don't meet their financial aid obligations for your education, so there should be some legal requirement for your parents to meet those obligations.