This is going to be fun

By Tony - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my fiancée informed me she'd invited her ex-husband to our wedding at her parents' request. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 551
You deserved it 2 244

Top comments

As long as your fiance's ex does not perform a drunken toast i think you're safe.



I'm getting married next year and we are inviting my fiancées ex wife. It was my idea to invite her. I'd like to point out that the reason we are inviting her is to show her what an idiot she is for leaving him and her kids to run off and marry her manager... She worked at burger king.

Ummmm NO !!!! This will not end well. Have you ever seen How I Met Your Mother?

It's funny that exact episode was on E4 last night.

Maybe you should grow some balls and tell her she calls him off or you call the wedding off. No man should tolerate a bitch that bows to her parents commands. You will suffer that indignity the rest of your miserable life.

Blooblibloo 4

A bitch really? Anyway, if your future wife is a "bitch" maybe you should consider not to marry her, whatever her relation with her parent? There might be truth in your comment, but the words you used make you sound like a real douchbag.

I would go to my ex's wedding just to puck her in the coat closet. Better be ready keep on eye on the ex and the other on the bride

Hire a good looking lady claim she was your ex to attend the wedding and say 'it was on parents request'

muffinXmonster 12

Now what does this tell you?

twisted_cherub 14

You and she should've discussed this scenario before she invited him. Maybe you didn't think she'd ever do such a thing, but it's a big detail to overlook in the early stages of wedding plans if the two of them have stayed in touch with each other. Sorry your day will be spoiled by awkwardness and good luck with the crappy in-laws.

Do they have kids together? Her parents might just want him there so they don't have to spend the whole day babysitting. Sounds like a brilliant idea if so.