This is going to be fun

By Tony - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my fiancée informed me she'd invited her ex-husband to our wedding at her parents' request. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 551
You deserved it 2 244

Top comments

As long as your fiance's ex does not perform a drunken toast i think you're safe.



Don't know about you, but I'd call the thing off!

brokenheartemo 7

Look him in the eyes and claim her as your bride!

Some people can actually remain friends with their ex 's. especially if their are children involved, although I wonder if that is the case here.

Agreed. There is never enough details in these things.

stash01 0

It's inconsiderate and bitchy for your soon-to-be in-laws and wife to invite her ex. If you don't say anything now, all three of them will walk all over you for as long as your marriage lasts.

harof1c 0

Maybe he want show??? Hopefully...

Maybe her parents guilt tripped her into it. Sometimes parents make their children feel like crap because they want something. Her parents could be holding something over her head... It can also be to show her ex that the relationship is over, and will always be. If it makes you uncomfortable, you can talk to her about how you feel (she will appreciate it), and you can ask that the statement "anyone disagrees with this marriage, please come forward" be removed from the ceremony.

pfclunchbox005 1

Leave her. She still has something for him. Trust me. **** that shit dude bag up and go

So, you're saying her parents hat le both you and her ex, and want to embarrass her for not holding her first marriage together; because, apparently, she had full control over that. (Yeah, right.) sounds like ONE parent is overbearing, and the other and your fiancée are totally whipped.