This is going to be fun

By Tony - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my fiancée informed me she'd invited her ex-husband to our wedding at her parents' request. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 551
You deserved it 2 244

Top comments

As long as your fiance's ex does not perform a drunken toast i think you're safe.



isn't that kinda the final 'we're over and never ever getting back together' by forcing her ex to watch her get married to someone else? You won, use this time to rub it in his face. And on the off chance she does run off with him then its better that it happened right before the marriage was finalized instead of years later when you have a house and kid and all that. Just try to stay positive and don't let it ruin your happy day.

This is where you grow some balls and tell your bride to be that there is no way in hell her ex husband is allowed to be at the wedding.

Does she have kids with him? Because if she does, I could see why the kids would want their dad at their mom's wedding.

JS721 1

So? She loves you now not him. Don't be jealous.

hereinnc 12

There was zero way to weed through all the angry comments. My 2 cents... my ex and I were married for 12 years. We have 2 children together. After the initial breakup it was difficult to say the least. However now that a few years have passed we are quite amicable as friends. I still value his input on many issues. We were not compatible as husband and wife no... however we are compatible as friends, and as parents we will remain that way. It is of no use to hate on one other when we are mutually raising 2 people to adulthood. Hatred has no place in that. Not every divorce has to be ugly. Talk to your soon to be spouse she might not view her ex as this evil person that you assume him to be. He is her ex for a reason and you should not view him as a threat.

RendarSelin 5

Very well said! I might not be on that good a level with my ex-wife, but we have a wonderful little boy together, and while we're not the best of friends, we're on good terms. If they have any children together, they will always be connected, divorced or no. I agree that maybe the OP's fiance should have had a discussion before the invite, but maybe they're on terms to the point where the only awkwardness is with the OP. (Or maybe the OP's fiance is just a spiteful POS...)

dacuar 0

Honestly OP this is kind of a red flag. ur position of respect is obviously not on the same level as her parents and seems like her ex for that matter. sometimes u gotta show who's the top dog is in the pack, apparently they don't think u can do that and if you can't then maybe you shouldn't get married. your entering a stage where u need to lead ur family (the one u and ur wife will make) and if u can't stand up for urself now & show who's got the balls..I promise u will get run over til death do u part.

alychick 5

Congratulations!! But that ex- better not do anything stupid!! Kick his ass is he does