This is going to be fun

By Tony - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my fiancée informed me she'd invited her ex-husband to our wedding at her parents' request. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 551
You deserved it 2 244

Top comments

As long as your fiance's ex does not perform a drunken toast i think you're safe.



ayyemmcee 1

That's gonna be one hell of a reception! Keep your eye on your girl ;)

mandahoney 0

Your fiancee needs to inform her parents that it's not their wedding to make decisions like that. Obviously her parents have no respect for you if they're willing to put you in a position like that. Seriously, talk to your bride-to-be. If she's marrying you, she needs to know now that marriage isn't just about being together, but you should be making decisions together, too. YDI if you don't grow a pair now. Wait til you have kids. She'll be telling you her ex will be holding her other hand while she's pushin them out.

Not really. I've seen worse. Hope the Ex isn't invited to the Honeymoon too. :D

Time to call him up & say it was an ignorant mistake on her part due to pressure from her parents (who by no means had the right to ask her to invite the divorcee), then tell him if he shows you'll have him escorted out as a wedding crasher...then uninvite her parents by telling people to not let them into the wedding party & by having them (family & friends on your side) call the police on them when they try to attend stating they're not invited....or simply take her on a trip to another state & convince her to elope. My wife & I eloped to keep her mom & the ex-husband from attending.... saved us $10,000 & two drunken people from ruining our ceremony (her mom & the ex)...her mom wanted her to dance with the ex @ OUR wedding! Stand your ground against stupidity & if your fiancé truly loves you, she'll agree to an elopement. :)

If my partner was going way over the top like you just were I'd be having second thoughts. You not only want to kick out the ex and the family, but call the police if they show up? Those are her closest family, and you're throwing them aside at the first sign of a disagreement. What kind of shit is that? OP, who cares? Odds are shes probably just too afraid to admit shes invited him herself because she values his input in her life. Or because she wants to rub it in his face because shes a bitch. Either way, its you two getting married, and the reality is whether he is there or not it won't make a difference. If there is a risk that the wedding will be ruined by him, that was going to happen anyway sooner or later to your marriage. I can see how an overly sensitive person may be a little irritated by this, but in the grand scheme of things, who gives a crap? You're getting married.

I think you went too far when you mentioned keeping the parents out and eloping, but OP still has the right to keep the Ex out. However anything he does to keep Ex out should be discussed with his fiancée first.

Seriously douche! Have you ever been married? She values his input on her life? You saying its ok for the in-laws to disrespect him by inviting the ex are you fu(k!n& retarded

Intelligent discussion be damned, eh 36? Rationality is for the weak! I'm saying its not such a big deal that the ex is still in her life. I'm sure in whatever backwater hole you crawled out of it is inconceivable that two people can move on and still remain in contact, without the need for penetrating each other or a full blown relationship. I imagine someone like yourself would have great difficulty with such a concept, it would take a level of maturity after all. And I know, its hard to get beyond that "but I own her now" attitude you probably have, but hey it's ok, you found yourself a woman type creature from the sounds of things. After all, you implied that you've been married. Good for you, and I'm sure she loves being married to someone who isn't grown up enough to actually say the word ****.

If you mean me firstly there is no need for name calling. Secondly no I dont think it's right but I am saying he should be honest and up front with his fiancé. If he goes behind her back it will only hurt him.

Are you on drugs? If he shows up what are the chances he might try something? Give her an option, him & her parents or you. The answer might save you thousands

Are you on drugs? If he shows up what are the chances he might try something? Give her an option, him & her parents or you. The answer might save you thousands

lol make sure they don't sneek away and "get back together" lol but its better that her parents wanted him there rather then she wanted him there.

This can be fixed. Just sit down with her and have a calm discussion in which you explain your feelings. If the parents act up just gently remind them that deciding who can come to the wedding is none of their business and they are just causing problems by insisting that it is.

woRRdz 8

Wondering how long did it take her to think about it before inviting the ex? If she invited him before she told u then it is abit to worry about. Cuz us she gonna do thar all the time when her parents tell her something? Honestly homie, those 3 individuals dont have respect for u.

Good for you. He could tell you some advises about sexual satisfaction, maybe more ;)

Now it's your time to shine and show him who's boss.

The fiancee invited him on her own and is using her parents as scapegoats when she saw that OP didn't like it. Redflag.