This is not good parenting

By Anonymous - 23/09/2024 06:00 - Canada

Today, and for the past week, I've been incredibly on edge because apparently my dad is kicking me out but I don't know when, and my mom has told me I'm not allowed to tell anyone. She then got mad at me because I did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 244
You deserved it 32

Same thing different taste

Top comments

d j mom 7

so if he's kicking you out and you can't afford a place, then you're not supposed to find someone to help you... he wants to see you living on the streets?!?

They don't want you to tell anyone because it's illegal to just kick you out. Talk to the school if you're still in it or local DHS worker, salvation army there's several places you can get help. And don't let your parents know and call the police if they try to force you out.


d j mom 7

so if he's kicking you out and you can't afford a place, then you're not supposed to find someone to help you... he wants to see you living on the streets?!?

They don't want you to tell anyone because it's illegal to just kick you out. Talk to the school if you're still in it or local DHS worker, salvation army there's several places you can get help. And don't let your parents know and call the police if they try to force you out.

Tell EVERYONE. Expose that psychopathic bullshit.